Day of the Shred at the OC Observatory

Day of the Shred went down on a rainy Dia de los Muertos, Nov. 1 or the day after Halloween.  By the time people started arriving, the puddles had dried up, the hearses and 70s vans were parked, and Bessie set in line with three other food trucks.  The only difference is I was giving out free treats.

I was able to see a lot of the bands because it was so easy to run in for a song and come back out.  I usually just ran in to see the band real quick.  I caught some of Danava’s set, the Shrine, Graves at Sea, Windhand, Elder, and a handful of others.  The standouts for me were Weedeater and Red Fang.  Weedeater came out and the lead singer chugged some whiskey and said “We’re Weedeater and we fuckin’ suck, so get your money back right now.”  Pretty awesome.  I had watched several Red Fang videos before the festival. My favorite is “Wires” I said hello to the guys backstage as well which was weird after having watched that video like ten times in three days and having showed it to several people.  Check it out. It’s badass. I was able to catch most of their set because they were last and I had stopped dispensing ice cream.  All told throughout the day I probably gave out a couple hundred pieces.  It was super fun. I even made it back stage for the second half of Red Fang’s set and saw them play “Wires” from a great perspective.

Day of the Shred was organized by Thief Presents and Rabbits Black, and it was held at the OC Observatory in Santa Ana. 


Moon Block Party 2014